Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 12

Week 12 began with a great run in the sunshine on the dykes! We ran the whole 10km. Logan fell asleep somewhere around a quarter of the way along. I felt strong, and enjoyed talking with others as we ran. My right foot, the one that I injured a week or so ago felt fine except if I struck down on it in a particular way. I have to be very careful about how I strike down on it as it's still somewhat weak. It took me much longer to finish than the last time I ran a 10km. 55 min. is usually my goal. Pushing Logan and carrying some extra weight from the pregnancy still are my excuses for it taking longer. :) If I am under 70 min. on race day I'll be happy. We even got to break the ribbon at the end of the run. Fun.

On Wednesday I ran by myself again, I'm missing my running partner Kate! She's back at work now, having finished her maternity leave. Susan works that day also. The other Susan has not come out for some time so hopefully she'll be back for a run soon. So there I was alone, running with Logan. I decided to go to Lafarge Lake. Running there is all up hill from my house, although it's a gradual grade. The run home is always faster. I ran to the lake, around it once and then headed home as it was a shorter run today. Again I felt really good, except while running over some grass I struck down on my right foot the wrong way and it hurt pretty badly. Logan fell asleep near the end of the run after enjoying the view from the stroller. He went on to sleep 2.5 hours! I swear that the fresh air really helps his sleep.

Friday ended up being a bit of a bust. First, Susan wanted to run at Rocky Point Park and I was all for that as the weather was supposed to be spectacular. However I had a photo shoot for Logan so decided it would be best if I had him sleep as long as possible (which he no longer does when I transfer him to the van after a run). So I ran from home by myself again. Running by yourself leaves you a lot of time with your own thoughts. I am not usually one for music, although sometimes that helps. The one thing I kept noticing was the GARBAGE on the side of the street. 99% of this garbage was from food containers. 99%!!
Some examples of what I saw: McDonald's bag with empty containers in it, Starbucks coffee cup, plastic lid and container from a DQ blizzard, plastic wrap, other various cups, flyers advertising food, even dog poop - in a plastic bag! If you are going to pick up your dog's poop, put it in a can, otherwise don't pick it up in a plastic bag...let it decompose where the dog deposited it?! I just don't get it. Such little disregard for the environment - and here Earth Day is so close.

My parents have taken it upon themselves to, on occasion, pick up the litter that lines this particular street (about once a week). Kudos to them. No one has asked them to do this, no one pays them to do this. They do this because they too like to look upon the beautiful parkland that lines one side, they want a clean space for their grandkids to walk and play. Don't we all want this?

I didn't complete the entire run so that Logan could get a good sleep before the photo shoot, but went to Lafarge and back. The sun shining down on us was brilliant. LOVE it! Looking forward to our rest up week before the Up The Creek 10km run. Let's hope there's some sunshine this week! Happy trails!

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