Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What week are we in?!

Week 9 was a recovery week. That was nice, very easy sessions, actually nice weather also!
Week 10: Had a great Sunday run, we walked one minute and ran six minutes seven times. I felt really good out there! The nice weather really helped too. Love running out on the dykes when the sun's shining.

I was planning how to get my runs in while we travelled to Seattle. I figured I'd run the neighbourhood, or in the park nearby our motel. Then, I fell out of our van while packing the morning we left for Seattle. I fell hard, and injured my ankle and bruised my underarm in two places when I hit the stroller that was folded in the van.

My arm didn't hurt near as much as my ankle. I iced it as we left, wondering how I'd survive all the walking we were going to do down south. I could not walk on it at this point but didn't let on as I didn't want to end up in emergency and having to cancel or postpone our trip. It was really bad though. I tried to walk as normally as possible so that other problems from my gait didn't happen but most the time had to walk on the ball of my foot. I could not put my heel down at all.

Iced it that night and it was SO bad in the night I lost sleep over it. The next morning it seemed worse than the day before. Some swelling, some bruising but not enough to think it was broken. We walked a lot that day, slowly. I kept shaking my ankle out as it felt like something may be out of place. By the end of the day and many kilometres of walking later it actually felt much better. Can't pinpoint any one thing but it's like everything settled back into place. Still sore to touch and walk on but I could actually walk on it.

I could not have run on it on Wednesday so skipped that run. Friday I decided to rest it as well so that I'd be o.k. for our next Sunday run.

Week 11: The Sunday run was another great, sunny day! I was sore while running, could feel the weakness of my ankle so took it really easy. The 1 min. walk, 8 min. run went fast. Talked a lot with a fellow runner who I usually don't run with and that passed the time well. That night I iced the ankle, but feel it should be ok to run on this Wednesday for our mid week run. Here's hoping!

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